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Limited company «Tyazhpromelectroproect - Rostov-on-Don»

Limited company

Tyazhpromelectroproect - Rostov-on-Don



In 2006.the limited company Tyazhpromelectroproect–Rostov-on-Don was established on the basis of OJSC VNIPI Tyazhpromelectroproect.

The enterprise executes both design and survey works on plants of wide range, using latest scientific and technical achievements, realizes designer supervision at the plants, under the executed projects up to the full setting of plants into operation.

The equipment which is used at survey works conform to all modern requirements of optical-electronic measurements as well as are underwent the annual check and certification.

The application of automated complexes for processing of geodesic measurements available at the enterprise allows fast and qualitatively provide the design part with necessary geodetic data, to draw profiles in elevation and cross direction profiles, to perform analysis and systematization of geologic information obtained from other organizations.

The plant has the certificates of self-regulated organizations on execution of design as well as on survey works.

The competency certificate for class of works which exert the influence on safety of objects of capital construction. The certificate is issued by self-regulated of Noncommercial partnership «Association of designers of the South and North-Caucasus District » the member which one is the limited company Tyazhpromelectroproect–Rostov-on-Don The license of a Federal service of state registration of the cadastre and cartography of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation ¹ÞÆÃ-02305Ã is indicative of work permit for the limited company Tyazhpromelectroproect–Rostov-on-Don to execute the geodesic, topographical and other special works at engineering surveys, construction and operation of buildings and structures, as well as the boundary survey, cadastral register and other surveys and special works The license of management of Federal Security Service of Russia in Rostov District ¹2526 is indicative of work permit for the limited company Tyazhpromelectroproect–Rostov-on-Don to execute the design and survey works with usage of the information classified as state secret.

The competency certificate for class of works

The certificate is issued by self-regulated of Noncommercial partnership

The license of a Federal service of state registration of the cadastre and cartography

The license of management of Federal Security Service of Russia